The Black Bag
If you are curious to know what that bag was like I should say that it was an ordinary one, black, stuffed with some unknown stuff. It was as if all his life was residing in that moderate sized bag.
Now he was at the beginng of that congested street, fallen down. However hard he tried, he couldn't find that woman around himself as if there had been no such a person; "so how had he managed to come here?"He was not able to get over that situation and stand up.People moving to and fro didn't even see him, and even sometimes stepped on his hand (the hand that had touched that woman) and didn't even apologize. Again he looked back and saw the bag still remained there, then decided to go back and fetch that with himself so he pulled his body on the ground like a worm with no energy left to him,in vain.He managed to get himself to the alley but not to the end, not to the end, and there in the middle of the alley he lay with his eyes open waiting for the woman.
It was getting dark when the snowflakes started descending on his face, and a boy running into his house, seeing that bag, picked it up and pulled it to his house,secretly.